READ: Luke 13:6-9
CARING FOR ALL: Although the steward was responsible for a vineyard (v7), he was also prepared to look after a fig tree (v6). Good stewardship cannot be limited to just one area of our lives. Let's pray about the way we use our God-given time, relationships, money and property, praising God as we do so for all His generosity towards us.
EXERCISING PATIENCE: Sometimes the Lord challenges us in the way the owner of the vineyard challenged his steward (v7). Are we really still willing to wait? Three years is a long time for a fig tree to remain unfruitful. We need to be as patient as the Lord has been with us (v8). Don't give up when the Lord is looking for a good return from our lives. Let's pray on any areas where we feel our patience is being challenged.
SHOWING THOROUGHNESS: The keeper of the vineyard invested a lot of effort on this so far unfruitful fig tree (v8). We need to take our responsibilities seriously and care well for the things that the Lord has entrusted to us. Let's pray for a fresh awareness of our privileges and responsibilities and for wisdom to know how to handle all that has been entrusted to us.
BEING REALISTIC: Even though the keeper of the vineyard was thorough, he was not unhelpfully sentimental (v9). Sometimes we have to let go of things that the Lord is not blessing in order to make room for the fresh things the Lord has for us. Let's think about any areas where we may be facing this and then pray for the necessary boldness, courage and strength.