READ: Matthew 25:34-40
GIVING FOOD TO THE HUNGRY: Many churches run feeding programmes for the homeless. Let's pray for these programmes - for those who organise, for those who supply, for those who distribute and for those who receive.
GIVING DRINK TO THE THIRSTY: In many parts of the world there is no clean drinking water. Let's pray for provision to meet this basic need and let's praise God too for leading people in practical ways to the right areas for drilling wells.
HOUSING STRANGERS: Let's pray for the many housing projects & those who administer them, for ongoing negotiations with housing associations, for appropriate matching and for the support and supervision of all those (mainly refugees) who are placed.
VISITING THE SICK: God wants a church that knows and demonstrates the power of His compassion. Let's take time to think of those we know of who are sick and especially in need of our prayers. Let's pray as we decide to contact them and/or their families.
VISITING PRISONERS: There are a number of people who are involved in prison ministry. Let's pray for those involved in prison ministry and for everyone who visits various prisons to share God's love and grace with those inside. Let's pray too for powerful works of God's grace in the inmates.
HUMILITY: Jesus sets all of these things in the context of humility (vs 37-40). Let's pray that humility will always be a mark of the church and all of us who belong to it. Walking in humility is the only way we can fulfill our mandate.