Galatians: Chapter 6


Overarching Theme: Grace over legalism.
Chapter Six Theme: The marks of the cross

History & Context

This chapter sums up the marks of Jesus that should be present in our lives as we seek to live in a way that pleases the Lord. Paul closes the chapter by taking up the pen himself to write the final words in his own handwriting. 

Study Guide

Make sure to watch the video looking at Galatians Chapter 6 and have a Bible ready in front of you.

Verses 1-6

Continuing in his pastoral tone, Paul addresses how we should navigate the reality of our everyday lives when we fall short of the standards Christ expects of us.


  • In what ways can we gently restore those who are caught in sin?

  • What strategies should we have in place so as to guard against temptation while restoring others?

  • Are there times when you find yourself asking others to carry your burdens unnecessarily?

Verses 7-10

Paul is once again comparing the flesh and the Spirit, encouraging his readers to ‘sow’ to the Spirit.


  • Paul explains that the way we live leads either to greater spirituality or greater fleshliness. What is the difference between pleasing the flesh and pleasing the Spirit?

  • In what situations do you find yourself becoming weary in doing good?

Verses 11-18

Paul now takes up the pen for his final impassioned plea, saying that the only marks that count are the ones he has received in serving Jesus.


  • Christians are often accused of acting self-righteously. In what ways would living out Paul’s words about boasting only in the cross of Christ be a good response?

  • Believers may often pray for a trouble-free life. Why do you think it is unlikely that Paul would have asked for this at the start of his ministry?


In this chapter, we see clearly the benefits of living in a way that pleases the Lord but more than that we have before us the example of Paul who gave himself so unstintingly in serving the Lord Jesus that he ended up bearing the marks of his service in his body. This should be an inspiration to us as we reflect on the depth of concern and compassion that Paul expresses throughout this letter. 


End your time as a group, or individually, in a time of prayer.

If it is helpful, below is a written prayer you can use as a reflection on John and Mary’s encounters that we have looked at today.


Thank You for opening our eyes to see the power of the cross in dealing with
those things in our lives that could get in the way of serving you.

Thank You too for the examples we have around us of those who have been willing
to give their all for you and who bear the marks of that in their lives. 

Lord, may we live our lives in all humility seeking to honour You in all things,
so that You alone receive the glory.
