Maintaining a Healthy Prayer Life


READ: Psalm 61:1-8

ATTENTION: David did not see prayer as a "one way street". He cried to the Lord but expected to get the Lord's attention (v1). Let's pray that we will have a fresh revelation of prayer as a relationship.

ANYWHERE: Sometimes people think that prayer requires a special environment. David  said that "from the end of the earth I will cry to you" (v2). Let's pray that those with a religious background will feel able to pray anywhere at any time.

ANYTIME: David highlights prayer at times when we feel overwhelmed. He makes a  specific request realising that the Lord's strength is the answer (v2). Let's pray for an ability to live constantly close to the Lord, our Rock.

PROTECTION: Praying for protection played a large part in David's life (v3). He was not praying out of fear but out of a desire to be separate from selfishness and sin so he could be "in the world but not of it"! Let's pray for a real trust in the shelter of the Lord's wings (v4).

PROVISION: Gratitude and thanksgiving are an important part of prayer. David acknowledged answered prayers and recognised that he had received "the heritage of those who fear (the Lord's) name" (v5). Let's praise God for answered prayer and for our heritage in the Lord.

PRESERVATION: David's prayer for long life was linked to knowing eternal life (vs6,7). Let's think of the names of some of those we know who need to receive eternal life, especially any who particularly fear death. Let's pray for their salvation.

PRAISE: Prayer and praise belong together (v8a). Let's commit ourselves afresh to worshipping the Lord in our prayer times.

FAITHFULNESS: David committed himself to daily prayer  (v8b). Let's resolve before  God to maintain a healthy prayer life.