READ: 1 Timothy 6:11-16
KNOWING WHO WE ARE: Any public profession has to start with a personal awareness. Paul refers to Timothy as "man of God" (v16). This is not a ministry title. It is a description of Timothy as a believer. Let's pray for a clear personal revelation of who we are in Christ.
KNOWING WHAT TO RESIST: Paul makes some very strong statements about greediness (v10) as he is aware that this is one of the things that can detract from our witness to the Lord. Let's pray for grace to "flee these things" (v11) and always withstand temptation.
KNOWING WHAT TO GRASP: Righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness are the characteristics that Paul urges Timothy to pursue (v11) as they affirm our public profession. Paul makes it plain that this is going to involve a "fight of faith" (v12). Let's pray for the boldness to ensure that there is an increase of these characteristics in our lives.
A MEMORABLE STAND: It is great to know that we are called but it is important to "go public" about our convictions (v12). We may feel daunted by such a confession. Timothy obviously had stood before many witnesses. Let's think of any hesitations we may have and then pray for ourselves concerning these.
A CLEAR EXAMPLE: The testimony of Jesus before Pilate is held up is an example for us (v13). To maintain a clear witness under such pressure is a challenge. Let's pray for a real ability to remain unshaken.
AN ONGOING CHALLENGE: There is such a tremendous emphasis on godly character associated with a public profession that Paul returns to the theme speaking of keeping the "commandment without spot, blameless" (v14a). Let's pray for ourselves, and maybe even for others we are concerned for, that we may know real tenacity.
A CLEARLY DEFINED GOAL: Paul holds up the Lord's return as a goal for us (v14). He also presents a wonderful picture of the Lord (vs15,16) which can form a basis for our praise. Let's praise the Lord together.