
James Chapter 3


Overarching Theme: Wisdom

Chapter Three Theme: Application of Wisdom


In this chapter, James really digs deep into some essential guidance for Christian living. Leading the church in Jerusalem, James would have witnessed the journeys of many early disciples, and therefore would have known the challenges and traps that believers can get caught in. As James' mirror analogy in the previous chapter alludes to, this passage provides another great opportunity for us to check our reflections against.

James reminds us to check what we say, along with the motives that drive us even in blessings like teaching and wisdom.

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Verses 1-6

James begins Chapter 3 with a caution about desiring to teach. As it will lead to stricter judgement, we need to watch ourselves and keep our bodies in check, especially our tongues, which can cause a lot of trouble!


  • In what ways can our tongues cause us to sin? What measures can we put in place to protect ourselves from this sin?

  • If teachers are judged more strictly as it says in verse 1, why should anyone teach in the first place?

Verses 7-12

James continues by underlining how dangerous the tongue can be, and how important it is to avoid becoming a walking contradiction in how we live our lives.


  • How can we discipline our tongues to stop them from bringing destruction?

  • In what ways can we bless people in what we say (instead of curse)?

Verses 13-16

James then goes back to wisdom, and the importance of demonstrating it in humility, as the selfish wisdom of the world brings disorder.


  • How can we remain humble in our wisdom?

  • Why are envy and selfish ambition dangerous things to hold onto in our lives?

Verses 17-18

After this, James goes into the attributes of the wisdom that comes from God - Quite a stark contrast to the wisdom that comes from the world!


  • How can we discern if the wisdom we have is from God or from the world?

  • Which of the attributes described in verse 17 do you find the most challenging?


This chapter is very much focused on the practical application of wisdom, with a strong emphasis on warning us in how we communicate with others. It provides us with a strong challenge to discipline how we speak, and a useful reflection for us to check ourselves.
Both sections of the chapter come back to this question of why we do what we do, as true Godly wisdom can only be lived out in humility and peace.


End your time as a group, or individually, in a time of prayer. If it is helpful, below is a written prayer you can use as a reflection on James’ thoughts and foundations that we have considered today.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for providing us with this challenge in James,

May our words be always for your glory.

May we learn to control our tongues,

And speak life and blessing into the lives of those around us.

Thank you that you can provide us with all the wisdom we’ll ever need,

Please help us to learn to discern the difference between

The wisdom of the world and your perfect wisdom.

Help us to learn to walk in humility even in our successes,

And let us be driven by love instead of selfish ambition.

Thank you for providing us with a perfect example of

Wisdom and humility in Jesus.

Thank you for the salvation that we have received in Him.

In Jesus’ name,
